Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 376: Milestones

So I think we might finally be done celebrating my first birthday, which is probably good since soon I'll be two. Here's another picture out at Uncle Eric's cabin, where Mom's reading me a new book. You'll notice I'm wearing what some people call a Canadian tuxedo -- a jeans jacket with jeans -- but in homage to the location of the cabin, I modified it by going barefoot, so I call it my West Virginia tuxedo instead. Probably I should also be shirtless under the jacket. Next time.

Speaking of milestones, I forgot to tell you all that I went to the doctor last week and it wasn't so bad because he didn't stick me with any needles -- for once -- and I got my new report card. I weigh 24.13 pounds, which is in the 75th percentile, and I forget my height but it's in the 95th percentile. So I'm tall! Or as big people say, for some reason, long. As if I can't stand up. Ha! Also my head isn't as ginormous as it was before. It's now also in the 75th percentile, which is more normal and probably good or I'm not going to fit into any hats.
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