Thursday, August 30, 2012

Days 852-859: Still Upstate!

Which explains my sporadic updates. But I have pictures! Like these:
Here's me and Shyla!

And this is beanbags with Granddad. I'm both a thrower and a retriever. Look how many I can carry!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 852: Making music

The other day, my pal Yvie and I composed some music. No big deal.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Days 844-851: Upstate!

Hi! I'm on vacation! At the big house upstate! That makes it hard to update the blog, and I'm sorry. So many exciting things happen up here, like this orange salamander, which I found right after some frogs, and turkeys, and a big hawk. Also, Granddad and Grandmom are here now. It's all just so exciting.

Stay tuned for pictures!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Days 840-843: The Zoo!

I love the zoo. I could go there every day to laugh at monkeys and feed goats. Today, I went with Momma to the one in Brooklyn, and she took this picture.

I call it "two wild animals giving each other the business."

Friday, August 10, 2012

Days 838-839: Best Friends

Ranking friends seems kinda weird, and very hard, like ranking the French fries on your plate. The truth is, they're all great. But Leo and I have a special bond, even when we knock each other down over tiny plastic lions.

By the way, I got a new hat! Daddy says this one is more appropriate than the other one, whatever that means.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 837: I Do It Myself!

You know what my favorite sentence of the month (or maybe the year) is? I do it myself! And look here, I'm doing it myself!

(Still working on the precise coordination of these forks you all insist upon using in lieu of hands. I'm humoring you for now.)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Days 833-836: Hank Puppy

I hope Jack Puppy isn't jealous but I had a lot of fun this weekend hanging out with Hank Puppy. He's really cute, and also small, and doesn't mind being aggressively hugged, or chased. I wish he was better at sharing -- he never wants to give me his stick or ball -- but I guess I can relate to that.

 Here I'm taking him on a hike to the ruins.
And here I appear to be scolding him for something. Probably for being bad.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 832: Happy Friday

I'm headed to the hills to find some bears. Have a good weekend, everybody!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 831: Michigan!

Jeez, where does the time go? I meant to share some pictures from our trip to Aunt Sarah and Uncle Larry's house in Michigan weeks ago and, well, I didn't get around to it. Until now!
 At the cool beach playground with Granddad.
 Driving a boat! Thanks, Uncle Larry.
Making a very important observation, with Grandmom.
Fishing with Momma.
Swimming with the parents. Check out that water! So clear!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 830: Ping-Pong!

I kept getting in trouble for playing with the pool balls, but now that we've got the ping-pong top on the pool table, everyone seems to be fine with me hitting ping-pong balls around. The only problem was that I'm too short to really see the table so mostly I just smacked the balls around the floor. Then last weekend I had a good idea. What if I sit on the table? And you know what: it worked!