Wednesday, July 31, 2013

DJ Jazzy Chuck

How do you know I'm a Brooklyn toddler? They are myriad ways to tell. Here are a few.
1. I'm so used to going to the local beer garden for snacks and drinks that I know how to give the guy mama's ID so I can get a Foosball for the table.
2. I go to a school with "Co-Op" in the name.
3. I know the Sri Lankan woman who works at the deli by name.
4. My favorite treat is doughnuts and Mango Juice from the South African restaurant
4. I play DJ on my Ipod before I've even put pants on in the mornings.

Oh Deer

Mama and I are seriously cool. That's why we can put on antlers and hide under a big tree pretending to be deer and not feel self conscious about it. Only really cool people can do this! Or dorks, whatever term you fancy.

The big race

Here's a pic of me and mama before she ran a big fun race up at the mountain last week. I didn't get to race this time, so I hung out with our friend Laurel for an hour until she came back. She was so muddy afterwards that I refused to hug her—that's how much I didn't want to get dirty!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Painting Rocks

Sometimes it's hard coming up with new ways to keep me entertained, but I have to give credit to mama and daddy, who try. This was a new one, called "Painting rocks." I was really into the idea, and very excited to buy the paints and get all set up. Then I did one, two, three whole strokes of blue paint on the rock and announced that I was "All done!" My mom says I was occupied for literally one minute, but I think it was more like 45 seconds.


Hello again from the Big House! I didn't get to go swimming this weekend, so this is from two weeks ago when it was nice and hot and the pool was really warm. Mama forgot to bring my life vest this day, so we had to borrow this cool Little Mermaid one from an Elka Park neighbor.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Summer in the Mountains!

Well that heat finally broke - phew! - but even when it was bad, it wasn't THAT bad up on the mountaintop. I've been spending lots of time at Elka Park, at the pool, and this week this nice guy Matt taught me a new game. He'd shoot this helicopter thing way up into the sky and I would try to catch it. I could play this game for HOURS, but eventually Matt got tired and Daddy made me quit. I disapproved of this decision, but I'll be back!

Heres' the first step: firing the helicopter!

After that, the game is simple: I run around like a crazy person trying to figure out where it's going to land.

 Sometimes I miss.
Okay. Most of the time I miss. (It's harder than it looks.)

 That doesn't stop me from trying again!
I even got to try to shoot it. This went even less well.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Also, Look Who's Helping Elodie Learn to Walk!

This guy! She actually took 6 steps on her own this morning. I'll take some credit.

Where Has Charlie Gone?

The answer: nowhere! Well, actually, lots of places. But I forgot about my blog! I'm sorry. Summer is just SO BUSY. And now, also VERY HOT, so I'm kind of delirious.

I wanted to thank Aunt Jenny and Uncle Conrad for coming to hang out with me last weekend while Mama and Daddy were eating 4 lobster rolls per day in Maine. I'd also like to thank Aunt Claire and Uncle Tate for helping, but I have no photographic evidence to post here right now. Once I get some, I'll put it up.

One of the best things we did was eat ice cream. Another was ride the carousel at Alina and William's birthday. I think I did this at least 10 times.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Happy (Belated) Birthday, America!

So summer feels like one big vacation. The latest holiday was, I'm told, America's birthday. I call this "Captain America's birthday" because the flag looks like his uniform and also like the one I wave around during soccer games while yelling "USA! USA!"

I was upstate with Daddy and Mama and it was super-fun. I saw my first fireworks! And attended my first parade! And swam lots!

But first I had pizza. And lemonade. Which is like juice. I love juice.

After that, a parade! Did you know they throw candy from fire engines during parades? That is kind of awesome.

Finally, FIREWORKS! I had to stay up really late to see them, and I think a mosquito stung me on the face, but it was worth it.