Monday, March 30, 2015


Sadly, yesterday was the last day of the season for snow tubing. So Mama and I had to go!

This Little Guy Cracks Me Up

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Not Mexico!

Back to reality. Which means no beaches or limes or margaritas at 5pm on the beach.

 This guy doesn't seem to care where we are. He's just happy to have trouble to get into.
 Taking a break from skiing to go snow tubing!

We tried to go for a hike but there's still a LOT of snow in the woods. Daddy and Mama kept falling into holes up to their knees.


We are so behind on this blog. So behind that it's been nearly a month since we left for Mexico. That seems crazy. WHERE DID THAT TIME GO?

But, a trip back in time...

 Lamby arrives at Cancun airport.
 Nicky breathes his first non-American air!

 Daddy and me in the lagoon up the road from our condo. It's super cool!
 Mama and me in a cenote. Also cool!

 Nicky nibbling on his new favorite snack: LIMES!
Just hangin' out in Tulum.

 Thumbs up! Family portrait at the beach!

 More limes!
 Did someone say limes?
 Walking to dinner in Akumal! Wearing a shirt Daddy bought me in Indonesia!

 Nicky in a swing at my favorite restaurant on the beach.