Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 323: Who's a good sport? This guy!

No one will ever accuse me of being no fun, or a bad sport. I even think it's funny when people do things that make me look silly, like put socks in my shirt so that it looks like I have boobs. Make that, moobs. Frankly, the tie dye is far more offensive, if you ask me. Especially with the plunging neckline. You need stinky dreadlocks and an old pair of Birkenstocks to pull this look off.

Day 323: Let's go Mets!

Tomorrow is opening day and despite all the bad publicity -- all the embezzled funds and financially troubled owners and overpaid free agents and underperformaing stars -- despite all of that I still believe. Let's go Mets! (And also Yankees - that's for you, Mom.)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 321: Bon Bon

I made some friends at the photo shoot. This is Bon Bon. I guess she's a dog, but she doesn't look like any dog I've ever seen. She was very cute, though, and nice. Here we are checking out one of the bigger dogs. I think it was called a mastiff - which must be because it's massive and that's how French people spell it. I wouldn't know because I can't really even spell in English. Or speak it for that matter.

Day 321: Photo Shoots!

Remember the old days when I had time to blog about my day at the end of every day. That was a long time ago, before I was mobile and had more time on my hands. Now I have lots of stuff to destroy and pound on. Also so many foods to eat. Last Friday I went to my first professional photo shoot. It was for some magazine called GQ that I guess is for grown-ups and it involved so many people, and also dogs. I don't know why big people and dogs require so much fuss for their photos; people take pictures of me using just a little camera -- operated by people like my Dad who can barely screw in a light bulb -- and those pictures look great. This one is a little out of focus, I guess, but the point is, I don't need hair or make-up or assistants or a private studio. I do like the idea of catering, though.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

328-320: Weekends!

These weekends are pretty nice, especially with all the brunches. Yesterday we went to some other people's house for brunch and I ate some quiche, and scones and strawberries. I passed on the champagne. I also hung out with my friend Alina, who lives around the corner. She speaks three languages, which is pretty impressive. Especially since I speak zero. Ok, I have to run now. We have another brunch, this time with some cousins. I hope there's enough food to go around.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 327: Breakfast!

I love breakfast. It's one of my three favorite meals of the day. Except on weekends, when it's one of my four favorite meals.
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Day 327: My Pal Leo

I've been making some good friends around the neighborhood at all the fun play groups me and Mom go to. One of my favorites is at this German place called the beer garden. I guess that's where beer grows. Beer must not need much light, because it's sort of dark in there, but it's still fun. There are all these windows and doors to bang on - that's what I'm doing here with my friend Leo. I love banging on things. Noise is the best!
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Days 326-327: Swings!

A little behind - again. My webmaster got busy - again. Here's another shot of last weekend, when the parents and grandparents took me to the park to go on the swings. Or, as Granddad called it, astronaut training. That was fun.
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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 325: Brunch

Grown-ups have this great bonus meal on weekends that happens between breakfast and lunch. They call it brunch. I'm not sure why. Oh, wait - I get it! I bet they almost called it lunchfast. We went to brunch on Sunday with Granddad and Grandmom and I ate some bread and also a biscuit. Man, that thing was tasty. Why have you people been hiding these flaky, buttery treats from me for so long? I liked it so much I smuggled some crumbs out in my shirt. I hope we can have brunch more often, and maybe we can also squeeze in a meal between lunch and dinner? We could call it Drunch.

By the way, guess what I had for dinner last night? Duck confit and grits. Does that make me a yuppie baby? A buppie? A yuby?
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Days 323-325: Grandparents!

We had some fun visitors this weekend: Grandparents! Granddad and Grandmom come down from the mountains and played with me all weekend. Yesterday, they even did it for the whole day, and weren't even THAT exhausted at the end of the day, which means I must have been a little off my game. Maybe it was the weather. We're ready for spring here at Charlie HQ; we all love snow -- especially Dad -- but it's not all that useful in the city. And this cold wet business is just annoying.

Thanks for visiting, Granddad and Grandmom. I miss you already. I hope you come back soon.
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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 322: Bonus shot

No reason here -- I just think I look cute in this picture!
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Days 320-322: Walking!

No, I'm not there yet, but I'm trying. Been mowing the wood floors here with the mail cart Aunt Jenny gave me and it's pretty fun. I don't have a lot of photos from this week to share - there were some technical difficulties as my webmaster got a new computer and then had some troubles getting it to work. I heard him say at one point that he wanted to throw it out the window. Now I don't know much about those computers but I'm pretty sure that isn't a good way to fix it.

Big weekend in Brooklyn - Granddad and Grandmom are here! I'd better send the help out for some beer.
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 319: Beauty Shots

My Aunt Angie took some really pretty shots of me while I was visiting. I know that's kind of a silly word to use for a boy but it's true - they're very pretty! (And only partly because of me!) Here's one. A couple people said I should do some baby modeling, and I have no idea what that is, but apparently it's a good way to make money for "tuition," which I guess is what they call the money it costs to go to college, the place where teenagers go to learn ping-pong. I don't know why they needed a special word for this. There are plenty of words to learn already, so maybe we just could have called it the cost, or price, or fee. See what I mean -- vocabulary is so unnecessarily complicated!
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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Days 317-318: The Ocean Beach Triptych

Here's a set from San Francisco. This is Ocean Beach — a nice restaurant on some rocks overlooking birds and seals. I ate some nice crackers off the floor and a German lady picked me up and talked nonsense. Too bad I forgot my bathing suit.
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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Days 315-316: Good to Be Home

Enjoyed my first full day back in the city today and it was nice. I didn't realize how much I missed home until I was here. It's not exactly warm yet but it's also not freezing cold anymore. You can see I've adopted a cerebral look befitting my literary lifestyle here in Brooklyn. Actually, I was just trying these on for fun. If they're looking for someone to play Baby Harry Potter in the next movie, maybe give me a call.

I'm still going through my west coast pictures so stay tuned for some more highlights of my trip. Now I'm going to eat some apple sauce, put away a bottle, and call it a night.
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Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 314: Farewell, San Francisco

Okay, West Coast peoples -- I've had a nice time in San Francisco, but it's time to go home. Don't worry, though - I'll be back. Thanks and hugs to my Aunts Angie and Mary for being such great babysitters and friends. Come visit me in Brooklyn soon. And thanks to Anchor Steam for being so tasty. Just kidding - I hate beer. Now I've got a plane to catch.
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Day 314: Ninja Baby

Hiiiii-ya! Have you ever wondered what I would look like if I was a sushi chef? Well, here is your answer. Now please keep your hands off of my water bottle or I will be forced to karate chop you.
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Days 312-314: Your Customs Confuse Me

Oysters? I seriously don't get this. They are smelly, and slimy, and small and seem to require all sorts of condiments in order to be palatable. What's more, they cost a lot of money! You large people are very strange.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 311: Hi!

Not much time to write tonight but I just wanted to say, "HI!" I'm waving with two hands, even if you can't see one.
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Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 310: Entrepreneurship

So I'm settling in here in Bernal Heights and to keep things fresh I decided to open a business. This is it here: Charlie's Cafe. We serve various milk products, served in bottles, as well as dozens of smoothies made out of bananas. We even have an ATM machine!

I'm kidding. But it's quite a coincidence, I thought, that this is like one block away from the place we're staying.
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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 309: Time Traveling

This was also last week, but I thought I'd share a little piece of history. That pointy house thing on top of the blue awning is where MOm used to live when she lived here in San Francisco, long before I was delivered by Fedex to Brooklyn. It's hard to tell from this photo, but up close it's sort of crumbly and old looking. She said something about having roommates but I wonder if that's just what she called the roaches.

By the way, yesterday was my 10 month birthday. Of course you all knew that already, and I'm sure you all sent gifts (maybe a hot tub? or a polar bear cub?) but I wasn't able to receive them because I'm not at home. That's okay, I'm sure the mailman will hold them for me.
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Days 305-309: All Together Again!

Yay, for the first time in what seems like ages the whole family is together again. Mom came back on Friday, and Dad just got back today. He was in Mexico, which I guess is another country somewhere below Maryland. This picture is from last week, before they left, and San Francisco was sunny and beautiful. Today is more like the San Francisco that people complain about - gray and wet. But it's nice to have everyone home. Maybe tomorrow we can have Rice-a-Roni! I hear that's the San Francisco treat.
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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Days 303-304: San Francisco

The City by the Bay, here I come! Ok, maybe I'm here already, but I haven't had the chance to take an appropriate photos -- say of me recumbent bicycling across the Golden Gate Bridge, or taking a bath in a sourdough bread bowl full of chowder or leading a drum circle out on Baker Beach. I'm planning to spend a good chunk of days here, though I guess I'm on my own for the first couple. My parents are leaving me with some magicians out in the Haight while they go to L.A. Kidding! I'll be with my Aunts. And the kitty.
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