Monday, December 1, 2014

How cute is this guy?

Nicky likes to play with my balloon. It's pretty cute.

And then, Mama put him in this. How adorable is our little elf?


I had the best Thanksgiving with my cousins in Virginia and West Virginia — especially Drew! He's the best and most fun cousin and is really patient with me even when I'm following him around like a shadow. I might never take off the bracelet he made for me with his rainbow loom.

 Here we're raising buckets of snow up to our base for the snowball fight. I was sneaky with the snowballs. I even threw them down the back of both Daddy and Uncle Eric's jackets!

 The seasons' first sledding with Patrick!
 Starting an avalanche!
Even Nicky loved Drew. 

Of course, Nicky loves everyone.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

And Some Nicky, Too!

Some Pictures!

I love it when people come to visit me at the Big House. My friend Greta came up this weekend. She has a baby brother like me. We ran around, collected pine cones, played Candy-opoly, and went on a hike.

Giving my brother a kiss!

I also helped Daddy cut down a tree and then collect sticks for the firepit — except I keep having an equipment malfunction with my pants. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Here are some pictures from Halloween. We don't have tons of them, because it was kind of crazy and Daddy sort of fell down on the job, but these aren't bad. Nicky and I didn't wear Mama's wig out trick or treating, but we did have fun trying it on at home!

 I am a Ninja Turtle, obviously. Which one, I'm not sure. We've never seen this movie. Nicky is a spider and Mama is his web. So clever!

 Slightly out of focus spider.

Tiny Ben Franklin.

The forgotten keyboardist from White Lion.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Nicky dances to Katy Perry

Nicky could not stop kicking his feet to the beat at lunch the other day. It was adorable. I, on the other hand, did something not so adorable and gave my germs to whoever uses the mustard next. (My mama wiped it off...let's hope I'm not patient zero at Burger 67.)

Lil Boo!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! We had a great time and more photos to come, but I thought these two pics of little bro were so cute and funny, I had to quickly share them.  We all took turns wearing mama's wig the day after, but he really managed to pull it off.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happy Feet!

This is Nicky at lunch. He seemed very happy to be in that high chair. Just look at his feet!


Check it out, I'm reading to Nicky! 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Look Who's 6 (Months)!

Happy birthday to this adorable little guy, the best and drooliest little brother a kid could ask for!


We're always behind these days, because we're all tired and sick and delirious. I should have put these up on Monday, but such is life. Enjoy them anyway!

 I used to love this toy, and now Nicky does. Here I'm showing him how it works.

 He's ready for some mushy food, people!
 Ramen is so good. But not very easy to eat.
 This was one seriously big pony. I suspect it may have actually been a horse with clever marketing.

Jack-o-lanterns! Designs by yours truly, carving by Daddy.

New Trick!

Hey, look: Nicky's got a new trick. He sits up! Super cute, right? Can someone get this kid an agent to help us save for college?

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

More Piano!

I forgot -- there's footage! Enjoy my skillz.


Nicky here. Charlie let me use his piano and it is AWESOME. We had to lower it a little but I try to get in a few minutes of jamming every day now.


Oh finally, a picture of just me. This was taken last week, before I got my haircut. Here I am, just hanging out at the subway station waiting for my train to school. La di da!

What up, friends

Been a while since I've been actively blogging! The whole family has been pretty sick, so that's our excuse. Anyway, let's see, what's been happening.
First of all, my bedroom changed up a lot. I got a cool new toddler bed, a new play kitchen, and some new rugs and art. My old bed is now a crib again for Nicky to sleep in, which he does for about 2 hours at night before he cries and magically disappears somewhere. I also got a mini pumpkin. 

See? This is my cool mini pumpkin. I drew all over it with marker because drawing is my new favorite activity. I like to draw pictures of the whole family, and also picture of rollercoasters. 

This is Nicky wearing his pumpkin hat and looking cute in the backseat. I think mama took this picture because she wanted to see if he was sleeping or not, since he faces backward. Clearly she got her answer. WIDE AWAKE. 

Oh, hello. This is Nicky being cute again, chewing on his fingers. Doesn't Daddy look really well rested in the background? It's not like he's thinking, "Why won't this kid sleep more than two hours" or anything. 

Nicky likes to not only chew on his own hands, but also other people's noses! Here he is trying to eat Alma's face. (Alma had her baby, by the way!) 

This is Nicky cuddling up with Mom at a restaurant in Saugerties, on the way to the big house. She got him to sleep like this. He's never done that for anyone else! Especially not me, but I prefer to yell in his face and give him bear hugs than rock him gently. 

Hey, why are all these pictures of Nicky?? I get it, he's super cute and all, but what about ME? 

Monday, September 29, 2014

Coney Island!

Yesterday was another beautiful fall day in New York, so we decided to go to Coney Island. I guess I was there when I was a baby but I don't remember it. We had the best time and I told Mama that it was maybe the best place I've ever been. Definitely top 5!

 Still too young for rides. But soon!

 Guess who won this game? THIS GUY! I got a cool little dinosaur as a prize.

 I'm not sure if you can tell by my expression here but this was the one ride I didn't love. It was kind of scary.
 This one, though, was THE BEST.
 Checking out the giant kites.

Aunt Jenny!

I'm lucky to have two Aunties in town, and it's fun to see so much of Steph and Claire these days. But I don't see nearly enough of Jenny or Mary. This weekend, Jenny made an unexpected visit and came to see me and my brother on Saturday. That's also the day Daddy got back from his trip and so we were all very happy to have the band back together again.