Monday, June 24, 2013

And Even More!

 On Sunday, we went to the big zoo in the big park in the big city. Do you think I'm too close to this bear? Don't worry. He's sleeping!
 Just kidding. There's glass there.

 For some weird reason, Mama and Daddy never gave me juice. They made it seem like water was all I needed. Then I discovered juice! Oh, man, that stuff is good. Thanks, Alina, and Alina's Mommy!

 Air-conditioning break! It is HOT in New York right now.

 You know how I like to feed the goats, or any other animal that'll eat my pellets.

This is generally how I feel about the train: bemused, wary, curious.
Then Mama came home and I sat in a bucket.

More Fun With Daddy!

 I didn't want Lamby to miss out on the fun, so she came along. I think she enjoyed herself, but she's a little limp and shy in public.
She especially gets nervous on the subway, so I hold her extra tight.

 Later on, we met Bro for a beer, a pretzel, some chocolate, and a garden tour.

The best part: more chocolate!

Boys' Weekend

So Mama went away last weekend and it was just me and Daddy. We had the best time, and I only ate chocolate at two out of three meals!

 The weekend started off with a little hula hooping, which is not as easy as you people make it look!

And of course, there was lots of playground action.

 Then the day's first chocolate break. Yum.

Followed by the carousel, which you might have heard I quite enjoy.

And... this one's for Grandmom!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

This old thing again

When we went to the city the other day, we went to the Carousel in Central Park, and I rode it three times! Yesterday we went to the one in Brooklyn, and I rode it four times! I could seriously ride it all day if my mom would let me. If there's one thing I love, it's a Merry Go Round. I might like it better than the zoo. Nahhh. The zoo wins. I'm actually trying to get my mom to take me there right now, but she's insisting on the playground.


This is my cousin Elodie, who I do my nanny share with. She was over yesterday playing while my mom watched us both for a little bit. I decided to help my mom out, since I know Elodie's routine super well. I said she was hungry, got her bottle from her stroller, and fed her. Then I gave her one of my binkies to chew on. We had a great time, at least until she pulled my hair really hard and I cried.

Bye Bye school!

I was sad to say goodbye to my good friends at Honeybirds the other day. I love school, and my teachers and friends there loved me too! My girlfriend Maggie is moving to Portland, so that's a bummer. Miss Meg said I was a great kid to have in class, and always tried to make the other kids feel better if they were sad. I also was the only one who would sit at the lunch table and stay seated until I was done! This is apparently very unusual for 2 and 3 year olds and was worth noting. Our class photo is very incomplete—it's also very hard to get 2 and 3 year olds to sit still for a photo. I was making a silly face here, and then said my favorite new phrase, which is "Just kidding!"

Postcard from the Train

Hello! I went to the city the other day and got to ride the train! Mama doesn't love taking me on the train, so we usually walk everywhere. But I had a good time! I had to hold on tight to lamby for support though. It was a little scary, with all those people.

Monday, June 17, 2013

How Was Your Weekend?

Mine was fine, thanks for asking. Here's what I did.

First, we went to this cool, huge, rock sculpture park thing. It was like an old temple or something, except that some guy built it himself sometime last century.

It was great, except they wouldn't let me climb on or jump off anything. Lame.

After that, we went to my friend Junie's place. I know her from school, but she also has a house in the woods.

She has a pool! And an awesome swing! And a hammock! Plus: frogs and chipmunks.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

More Animals!

Sorry about those last few photos. I have no idea why they're all squished. Did they make you hungry? If so, would you like a snack?

Here was the cutest animal of all. A BABY BEAR! Her name is Talulah, and I didn't get to feed her, unfortunately. But she sure was cute.

Hey, Who's Hungry?

Have I ever told you guys how much I love animals? Maybe I have. But in case I haven't, let me reiterate. I LOVE ANIMALS. And not just exotic ones, like tigers and monkeys. I'm every bit as crazy about cows and goats. Sometimes even moreso. A few weeks back we went to a zoo up near the big house, and I got to feed a whole bunch of animals. Here, let me show you.


Kangaroo! (Actually, he refused my snacks. Australians are funny sometimes.)

Monday, June 10, 2013


Another fun weekend out in the country. That is, once the rain finally stopped on Saturday. Wow, that was wet! And it's wet again today. Enough of the rain, already!

Here's me and Momma in (kind of) matching shirts.

Our first stop was a fair up by the river somewhere. And look what we found there: CICADAS! LOTS OF THEM! Those guys are really loud. And kind of alien looking. But not mean or anything.

Later, at home, I realized that these rings from ring toss make good headbands. You like it?

Friday, June 7, 2013

Yum, Coffee!

Momma and Daddy are always drinking coffee in the morning. It's like they can't get up and out of the house without it. I wonder what that tastes like?

Just kidding! I was only smelling it. Yuck!

I prefer watermelon.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

African Music Moves Me

I've had some pretty sweet dance moves over the past three years, but nothing tops yesterday morning's fast and spazzy prancercise-like grooves. I couldn't help myself—the African beats from the Putomayo World Music CD just moved me, man!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Happy (Late) Birthday to Daddy

Last week was Daddy's birthday. We decided to throw him a party at the big house. It was fun! There was a roast pig, a cute dog, and lots of kids to play with. I had so much fun that I forgot to take many pictures, so hopefully other people did that.

This is the dog I was talking about. His name is Hank Puppy and he's really funny. He likes to play with this frisbee, and also to run away from us.

The only problem with this game is that Hank Puppy doesn't like to give up the frisbee. It takes lots of kids to get it out of his mouth. That puppy has some strong teeth!

After Hank Puppy got tired, Alina and I moved on to the stump game. We just climbed up, and jumped off, over and over. And over and over. I would conservatively estimate that we jumped off of this stump 200 times each. And only minor injuries!

Here's me in the middle of a jump.

Now it's her turn.