Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Some Recent Photos

Two more days of school after today. Wow that year went fast. Sorry we didn't post pictures more often, but the days are all so short! Here are a few from the last two weeks, though!

 This hair salon in Woodstock was great. They even offered a lap dachshund!

 Check out this outfit, people. Let's go Mets! (Why are they terrible again?)



You set 'em up, Nicky will gladly knock 'em down. This is fun, except sometimes for Charlie when he's building something with Legos or Magnatiles..

More Adorable Video

Just two bros, out for a stroll in the woods.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Pictures from Long Island!

Have you guys been to Long Island? It's not all strip malls and people with weird accents! There are actually some nice towns, if you drive far enough. And beaches. Lots of beaches!

We're Basically Monthly At This Point

We're all sorry to so rarely post. There's not enough time. And we forget. Life is busy. Tiny violins.

Anyway, here's Nicky walking/stumbling around Greenport, way out on the end of Long Island!