Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 178: Happy Birthday to Me!

Hey everybody. Guess what day it is? It's my sixth (month) birthday! But you already knew that. Wow, that went fast. Much faster that the six months before that, when it was a little dark and claustrophobic. Things are much more exciting now. Anyway, I know your cards and gifts are on the way — please please please I hope someone got me my own live baby monkey and also a hot tub — so it's no big deal if they're a little late. I think I'll celebrate by putting away a bottle or two and bouncing around on my jumper. I might even eat some sweet potatoes. It's a party.
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1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday, Charlie! I've sent you whiskey, cigarettes and a hooker! They should be there any day now. Have fun!


    Henry Luce
