Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day 682: Growing up Fast

One of the biggest frustrations of being small is that you have all these thoughts in your head and the only way to get them out is to start a blog. It's hard to live in a world of talkers when you can't talk. Well, I've turned a corner! I am no longer only yelling single words, and sometimes pairs of words, but I'm fully deploying sentences these days! Some of them might obey the laws of caveman grammar -- "Play toy!" "Where go?" -- but others are fully diagrammable. "There's a bird!" or "Look, an aypane!" The newest one is pretty specific and probably not all that useful in most situations: "No, no! No throw book at Max." It's probably worth noting that we're just about at the stage where my parents need to be careful what they say out loud unless they'd like it repeated, loudly, in unpredictable situations.

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