Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 235: Happy New Year!

I should have said this yesterday, but Happy New Year! Since I haven't even been around a year yet I'm a little new to this custom. Frankly, it seems weird to celebrate a new year so soon when I'm not even one yet. But I'm easy so I go along with your strange traditions. I was told that another of those is to make a resolution, or even more than one. So I've been thinking about some resolutions of my own. I can't possibly narrow them down to one, but a few I'm willing to commit to are the following:

I will not crawl. It seems like a waste of time. As I said before, you giants don't crawl. Why should I?
I will not nap unless you really make me by introducing your crafty tricks like cars and baby backpacks that you wear on the front.
I will eat lots of bananas. Also sweet potatoes.
I will grow some teeth. That way I can broaden my palate a little beyond things that can be gummed.
If I see Mitch McConnell I will spit up in his hair. John Boehner too.
I hope to expand my vocabulary a little. I feel I've just about reached the limits of what I can do with DA! and BA! and AH! and PFFFFT!
Mom says I should add 'no more whining' but I'm not really to commit to that. Sorry.

Obviously I should also get to the gym more but that's pretty much everyone's resolution every year. In fact, if someone tells you that's their resolution you should say, "That's implied. What else you got for me?"

Happy New Year. I can't wait to see you all again soon.
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