A lot of you people are wondering what I do all day. So much stuff! The last couple of weeks Mom has been working too so I've been hanging out with my friend Alma. She's cool, and also speaks Spanish. I'm trying to pick some up myself. For instance, I used to say "WA WA!" when I was thirsty and now I say "AG UA!" only sometimes it sounds like a mix of the two. That's me drinking AG UA! from a magical spout that dispenses water freely and for as long as you can drink it. It's called a fountain and I would like one installed in my room that also sometimes spouts milk.
This fountain is at one of the many playgrounds I like to frequent. This is the one at Ft Greene Park and you'll often find me on the swings there, or on the slide, or running around stealing, I mean, borrowing toys from friends and strangers. For instance, this little pink carriage I found in the possession of a little girl yesterday. She let me use it for a few minutes and then I had to give it back. That's my least favorite part of borrowing -- returning things.
And yes, it's pink. So what?
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