Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 521: The Playground

A lot of you people are wondering what I do all day. So much stuff! The last couple of weeks Mom has been working too so I've been hanging out with my friend Alma. She's cool, and also speaks Spanish. I'm trying to pick some up myself. For instance, I used to say "WA WA!" when I was thirsty and now I say "AG UA!" only sometimes it sounds like a mix of the two. That's me drinking AG UA! from a magical spout that dispenses water freely and for as long as you can drink it. It's called a fountain and I would like one installed in my room that also sometimes spouts milk.

This fountain is at one of the many playgrounds I like to frequent. This is the one at Ft Greene Park and you'll often find me on the swings there, or on the slide, or running around stealing, I mean, borrowing toys from friends and strangers. For instance, this little pink carriage I found in the possession of a little girl yesterday. She let me use it for a few minutes and then I had to give it back. That's my least favorite part of borrowing -- returning things.

And yes, it's pink. So what?
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Days 516-520: Frostburg!

We're back home after a short long trip out to Frostburg, where I spent a great couple of days hanging with granddad and grandmom. (by "short long" I mean the visit was short but the drive was long!) Mom and Dad went to see some game on Saturday so I spent the entire day playing with the grandparents -- walking around, playing at the playground, climbing stairs, throwing the ball, pointing at ceiling fans, pushing the porch swing and jumping around on that loud metal thing by the front steps. That's what Granddad is doing in the one photo. I can't quite jump yet but once I can I will definitely jump higher than that! Anyway, I had a great weekend and lots of fun. Thanks for taking care of me, guys.

P.s. - Apologies for having no photos of Grandmom. We didn't take many pictures and she's not in any of them for some reason. I think she was hiding. But she was definitely there! That might even be her hand there in the jumping picture.
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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Oh, OK

Now I get it.

Lollipop Kid

I don't know where I am learning these bad habits, like sticking out my tongue for the camera.

Day 515: I'm a Monkey!

So I've mastered walking, running, and smacking my head into things. What's next on the agenda? Climbing! I've become a master at getting up on everything, especially if I know there's something awesome up there, like my mom's iPhone or my dad's glasses. Apparently this is against "the rules," so I try to be sneaky and very quick about it. I usually get busted, but I find this hilarious, so I just do it again and again! Making your parents clap their hands and shout loudly is the funniest thing in the world!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

On tonight's menu: SEE food.

Day 514: Dinnertime Fun

I'm having a hard time with this whole "spoon feeding" thing now. It makes me feel like a baby! I want to feed myself with the spoon, but for some reason my parents hates when I do this. So they just put it on my tray and I eat with my fingers. Half the time the food makes it into my mouth, the other half I fling it on the floor because it's really hysterical to hear the grownups going "HO, HO, HO!" Oh wait, my mom just said they're actually saying "No, no, no!" Oh well, I still crack up each time I do it.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Me & Pops

Now I know we've been home from Alaska for a few weeks, but I just found this great pic of me and dad and hiking and thought I should post it since he won't be here to give me my bottle tonight, which is sad. Alaska was fun, but my mom said she's glad she doesn't have to have any more conversations with people in elevators about "how they grow up so fast." Who is "they?" Babies? Like me? Come on people, I'm only 16 and a half months old!

Day 513. Am I counting that right?

Hey friends,
My Dad is flying on an airplane right now, going to do something with cars and driving and I don't know what. All I know is that this morning mom told him, "No crazy stunt jumps, please." She is really cool, that lady. She is also helping me write this post. And no, she didn't just make me say that. It's true. Anyway, speaking of planes, she also recently said, "I'm not flying alone with this kid again." I don't get it, everyone likes playing peekaboo and high fiving with a cutie like me for three hours straight, right? I mean just check out how adorable I was on a recent jaunt to Florida!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 512: Bye bye summer, hello fall

There are many transitions, real and symbolic, as summer gives way to fall. Leaves dry and change color. Warm days give way to cool ones. Dads complain less while Moms complain more. And of course baseball season hands things off to football. Many people in New York forgot that the Mets are still playing baseball, and who could blame them? Even Dad seems to watch fewer games, and gave up throwing pillows at pictures of David Wright awhile ago. That's because we've moved on to WVU football, and things are off to a great start. Huge game this weekend. Let's Go Mountaineers!
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Days 511-512: Sushi Anyone?

This is my Japanese outfit. I'm not sure if it's a kimono, or pajamas, or just a very tiny sushi chef's uniform. Can I interest you in a rainbow roll or maybe some uni?
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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Days 508-510: Bucket Boy

Look, I'm an astronaut! Or a deep sea diver! Or a hungry boy pressing his face against the window of a bakery longing for a sugary donut! Probably that last one is most plausible.
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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 507: Monkey & Me

Someday, I'd like to go to a place where the monkeys are bright yellow. Just sayin'.
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Days 506-507: Hats

Who says a hat has to be a hat? By which I mean, if this little corduroy box that came with the little pots I used to bang together as hard as I could until they mysteriously disappeared one day and have never surfaced again fits on my head like a hat, is it not a hat? I think it is. I've seen people from Europe wearing stranger things on their heads here in New York.
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Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 505: Incognito

On Friday, Dad took me to the doctor. I don't like the doctor, not one bit. They poke and prod you and then stick these sharp needles in your arm just for fun. I had an idea once I got there to put on a disguise in hopes that the doctor wouldn't recognize me, and might just move on to the poor sucker in the room next door. This is my disguise. I'm sad to report that it didn't fool anyone.
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Days 502-505: Caught!

When no one's looking I like to sneak back past the plastic fence, past the fan, past the plant, back to the air conditioner, where I like to push all the buttons until it's either putting out 55 degree air, or not working at all! Unfortunately, sometimes not even the curtain is enough to prevent me from getting caught. Sorry!

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 501: HOLY COW!

Have I really been around 501 days?!?!?! That's a long time!

Now someone explain where I came from again, please?
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Day 501: Tasty Beer!

Sometimes after a long day at sea all you want is a cold Alaskan Amber beer. Just kidding! This picture is a fake. I didn't really drink the beer. Beer is gross. And I expect to feel that way for at least 16 years.

I bet this post makes Granddad thirsty.
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Days 498-501: Hello, Brooklyn!

So I'm back home in the BK, even though these pictures would lead you to believe I am still in Alaska. I just don't have any pictures from this week because the weather here is terrible. It just keeps raining, hard, which I think is what it's supposed to be like in Alaska. Only in Alaska it was pretty nice and sunny, so everything's all upside down. I'm pretty happy to be home. We all are. That was a fun trip but it was also a long time to be away from all my friends and toys and stuffed animals. If only we could get rid of this rain everything would be great.
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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 497: Hello, Canadia!

We have only a short time in Canadia -- a single day, sadly -- but Vancouver couldn't have given us a better day. It was sunny, and beautiful, and just about the perfect temperature. This morning we ate a super delicious breakfast and then watched this silly man play a tiny guitar. He was funny! As you can see, I was his biggest fan. Later, I chased pidgeons, and then I chased some dogs. Poor Mom wasn't feeling very well so Dad and I went for a long bike ride around this really nice and giant park full of cheerful Canadians while she had some rest. It was my first-ever bike ride and even though I kind of hated wearing a helmet, I had fun! We also went to some swings, and a slide, and then chased some more dogs. Finally we ate Japanese food. Tomorrow we have a few hours then we have to fly home to Brooklyn on a giant metal bird. I hear it isn't always this sunny and beautiful here in Vancouver, but if it was, I think I might have to try and convince the parents to buy me a summer place here.

Finally, I'd like to wish Papa an early Happy Birthday tomorrow. I hope you catch a giant tarpon. And also some scotch.
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Days 494-497: Bye Bye, Alaska

Well, the boat has stopped sailing. After Homer, Tutka, Haines, Juneau, Ketchikan, and a lot of afternoons on the Lido deck, we said goodbye to Alaska and hello to Canada this morning. I enjoyed my time at sea, especially all the friendly boat workers who were so smiley and nice to me. I'll miss those guys and ladies. I'll also miss the otters and bears and mooses and bald eagles and whales and dolphins and especially that silly little mink thing that was doing the backflips under the dock in Tutka Bay. He was cute. I'm excited to be home, though. It's been too long since I have strolled the urine-soaked sidewalks of NYC, run through the fountains at Camel Playground, and played with all my friends like Max and Leo and Jack. Coming home soon, dudes!

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