Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 111: T-shirt wisdom

Many people out there probably think this is yet another fitting t-shirt, pardon the pun. My Aunt Claire bought this one for me based on some old nickname, but I imagine my Grandma Miles will really like it, and surely agrees. Other family members might not find me so angelic at the moment. Like my parents. I have a long-standing policy against naps. They're lame. But lately I've also decided to forswear sleep altogether. Occasionally I can't help it, and they trick me into taking a long nap at the beginning of the night, but then I have my revenge after midnight. I saw on NY1 yesterday that Martha Stewart only sleeps 4 hours a night. And she takes no naps. So she's my new hero. Gotta have a goal, people!
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1 comment:

  1. Hey Chuck.... Will you talk to your buddy the big J for me. 'Cause I wanna be a millionaire so fricking bad! Also see if he can remove this song from my's been two weeks already.
