Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 78: Brooklyn represent!

That's what I'm supposed to yell, right? Because I'm representing right now, in this sweet heather gray Brooklyn onesie. Heather gray is my mom's favorite color. I think she's the first person ever to choose it. I like all the colors. Especially the bright ones! I also like light fixtures, ceilings, things made out of wood and anything that sways in the wind. My dislikes include: vaccinations, cold water, 100 degree NYC summer days, and being hungry. Man do I hate being hungry. Food is the best!
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1 comment:

  1. I like your writing style, Charlie. When you learn how to walk, come over to the Time/Life building and we'll have lunch, a few drinks and talk about a possible staff job.


    Henry Luce
