Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I'm determined to get this skiing thing down. If we're going to live in a snowy place, and spend so much time up on the mountain, I need to be an awesome skier. And probably also a snowboarder. But let's stick to skis for now. Daddy took me out for my second lesson this weekend -- this time he was my teacher -- and I think it went pretty well, but the place was SO crowded and we both got kinda cranky after an hour. Still: we made progress! I'm very good at going STRAIGHT DOWN and at being FAST. Next I guess we have to work on turning and stopping, but those things sound like less fun. I'm sorry I don't have more photos, or video, but my photographer was also the coach, so his hands were tied. Next time!

 Magic carpet!

 Gettin' my game face on.
 This was actually practice in the driveway before the mountain.
My last coach said to practice walking around on skis. It's kind of awkward!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Little Light Reading

One night we went out for dinner and Mama asked if I wanted to bring some toys to play with. I said "I think I'll bring a grown-up book," and grabbed one from a shelf in the condo. Then, between bites of pizza and chips, I was riveted!

What was this amazing book, you're wondering?

What a great American!

Putt Putt!

Told you there was putt putt! But only 6 holes. That's not nearly enough.


You guys, I'm learning to swim! I've been taking lessons in Brooklyn, at some weird hotel, but I really took things to the next level in Mexico. We spent the first two nights at this big resort with a cool slide and a pirate ship and mini golf! (More on that later.) It also had this really warm kids pool with an island that I jumped off of about 1,000 times. See!

I also practiced swimming a bunch. See!


Hola, amigos! Guess where I was last week? MEXICO! It was so warm and beautiful, basically the opposite of this blizzard/tundra situation we're dealing with basically every week here in NYC. Don't get me wrong, I love the snow, too, but it was nice to just wear a swimsuit and no shoes for a week!