Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Few Days in My Life!

 Mama made apple pie! Have you guys had that stuff? It is AWESOME

 Then I went to a pumpkin patch and bounced on the bouncy castle!

 Then we picked apples. SO MANY APPLES. Do you guys want one? We have plenty!

 One day after school Daddy took me for pizza. It was yummy. And the nice girl at the cash register told me to call her when I turned 18. What does that even mean?

What's up, people? Just walkin' around Brooklyn. 


This pony is cool and all, but when can I start jumping over stuff?


Guess what I started? SCHOOL! It's pretty great. My teacher is named Eliza and she is really nice and fun. Also, she has tattoos, because this is Brooklyn.

This isn't the first day. I think it's the second day. That's my new shark backpack that Daddy bought in Maine. Lamby is inside. My lunch is too.

Eliza sent this picture to Mama on my first day. I'm jumping! And dancing! Every day, the teachers do a report for mommys and daddys and mine said that I liked banging on drums and "asking people to dance to my beats."


Some of my favorite things are animals, chocolate ice cream, dancing to African music,  Mama's iPhone, and also friends. Especially friends. 

 This is Alina. She's pretty cute. And she sounds like a cartoon. She's older than me but we're pretty good pals. We also fit into one chair.

And of course you all know Leo. He doesn't always wear a helmet. Only when we're reading books on the stoop. Like my Lightning McQueen hat?

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Oh, I Have More!

 This is the county fair! County fairs are pretty great, because mostly you eat junk food and ride rides. Oh, and look at animals, and you know how I feel about animals.

 Rides! With Mama!

 This is a post-putt-putt refreshment. I'm really into putt putt these days. Just ask Granddad. I beat him.

Flying home from somewhere! I'm not sure where, though. I was on a lot of planes this summer. 

Miss Me? Sorry!

I have no excuses. I'm just a busy guy. But I know you miss me. So here are some pictures!

 I call this one Bucket Head, because I have a bucket on my head!

 Here's me at lunch with Daddy. He said this shot kind of freaks him out because he can see what I'm going to look like when I'm older. I have no idea what he means by that!

 Donut eating competition? Yes, please. So long as I get to eat the donut at the end.

 Talkin' to the ducks at North-South Lake. They wouldn't let me pet them, which I thought was kind of mean. I come in peace, ducks!

Huh. Kinda out of order here, but this is me at the Big Picnic at Elka Park, just before the three-legged race with Luke. We didn't do very well. Because I was littler than most of the other kids. But I tried!