Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What Is That Insanely Bright Yellow Thing in the Sky?!?!

It's been a cold and wet couple weeks here in the Northeast. It really saps a kid's spirit and makes it very hard to spend much time at the playground without head-to-toe raingear. Finally, yesterday, the sun came out, and I was ready for it!

 I can't remember the last time I had to wear shades. Notice I'm still wearing my rain boots. JUST IN CASE.
P.S. - It started raining again today. So I guess I can put those shades right back away.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Hey, What Are You Guys Up To?

The other day Momma took me to the park with all the trees and flowers. I saw this lady talking to a group of kids so I decided to sneak in and see what they were up to...

Still No Mosquitos!

I know it's only a matter of time -- probably a matter of days! -- until those horrible little flying monsters arrive and we basically can't use the yard without coating ourselves in gross chemicals, so I'm making the most of the yard while I can. I try to get out there every chance I get, whether it's to play catch, bounce on the trampoline, or be super duper helpful by watering the flowers!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I Have So Many Questions!

Actually, I only have one question, with many variations. That question is WHY? Daddy, why is that man whistling? Momma, why is Daddy going to the bedroom? Daddy, why is that puppy barking? Momma, why is that hot dog hot? Why isn't it time for Little Einsteins? Why is this ice so slippery? Why doesn't Mickey Mouse live in Brooklyn? Why is that lady wearing a hat? Why does Leo have to go home? Why can't I bring my shoes into the bath? Why? Why! WHY!

I thought you grown-ups had all the answers.

I was sorely mistaken.

Some of My Favorite Things

Summer's finally here, and it's hot, but that's Ok, because it means more play time outside, more ice cream, and more sprinklers. Also more mosquitos, which isn't so good.

Did I mention more ice cream?

The flowers are really pretty right now. This isn't our yard, but our yard looks great!

I guess you can bowl in any season, but I did it for the first time in summer, so there's that too.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Check Up Time

Today was my 3rd annual doctor's visit to see if I was growing like I should. The answer to that is yes! I'm not only tall and hefty (90th percentile for both height and weight) but I also got 90th percentile for cute and 95th for cool. I think it was the dope wraparound shades, brah. Sadly I do have to go to an ear, nose and throat guy to see if my adenoids need to be removed because I snore badly and get colds a lot. But who needs adenoids! If getting them out stops my constant sniffles, it will make both me and mama a lot happier.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Thanks, Auntie Mary!

I forgot to say that I had one special, long-distance visitor for my birthday last week (or whenever it was): Auntie Mary! She flew all the way from California to see me, and I guess maybe Momma too. Here are some of the pictures she took, mostly of me!

 This one is artistic.
 Here's a preview of Halloween, 2013.
 Here's me, in disguise.
And in the shed at the big house. Someday, we might turn this into a little guest room thing. For now, it's just full of rusty old nails! 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Big House Weekend

It felt like it had been a long time since we'd all been to the big house. I guess I did go last weekend for a night with the aunties but that was so short, and Daddy was still gone. We didn't get the best weather this time -- the sun barely came out at all -- but it was still nice to be up in the woods. And, the frogs are awake!!! They're chirping and peeping up a storm. Also, they have little baby frog things that look like wiggly worms. Momma says they'll turn into frogs.

Now, it just needs to warm up. It's chilly! That's why I had to borrow my friend Eva's coat.

I actually thought it was pretty stylish. I can totally pull off pink!

Here's a rare moment of sunshine. I felt like even Lamby would want to come out and enjoy it.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Well, That Was Fast!

So guess who's three? This guy! Technically, I turned three on Sunday, but I'm still celebrating. I had a big party, and ate lots of cupcakes. Here are a few highlights, starting with birthday brunch, where I began preparing to eat cupcakes by eating biscuits with jelly and orange juice.

After that came the party. Alina was the first to show up. She's so glamorous in those shades.

Then came the cupcakes! My favorite part. (Guest photography by Leo's mommy.)

And, finally, one of my presents. I guess we don't have to worry about next Halloween!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


This morning I decided I wanted to wear slippers like Mama, so I found my Mickeys. I then told them, "Hi Mickey, I will see you when I go to Disney World!" Somehow I decided that when I was 3 years old, I would be old enough to go to Disney World. (*Mom's note: I swear I did not put this in his head!) SO. When mom asks me about my birthday, I tell her, "I will take a taxi, go to the airport, go to Florida to see Mom and Papa, and go to Disney World!" I hope that happens this year. Also, please do not ask me about my hair. I just woke up.