Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Christmas! And Merry Christmas Again!

One of the best things about having two sides of a family is having two Christmases. And not only that, but I get to celebrate in two climates!

Here's me at Papa and Mum's house, in Florida, on Christmas:

And here's me at Grandad and Grandmom's house, in Maryland, today:

I can't even imagine what tomorrow might hold! Except maybe more presents!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Happy Holidays, Everyone!

I'm not sure if I'll get to post much in the coming days. It's an exciting week and I'm pretty busy being all festive. So in case we don't talk: Happy Holidays!

Editor's note: my guest assistant lost track of the day count so I guess we're going forward without them for now, because we lack math specialists here at Charlie HQ. Oh, well, we can start over at my third birthday!


I love carousels so much that I had to ride again.
 And again.
 And again.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Yes, it is another carousel ride!

I'm sure you're thinking, "Have I seen this photo before?" The answer is yes and no. I take a LOT of carousel rides. Other than Chuck E Cheese, it is my favorite thing to do. This was my latest spin, down on Jane's Carousel in Dumbo, Brooklyn over the weekend. The nice things about having two parents is you get to go on these things TWICE in a ROW, once with each of them.


This is our Christmas tree! We had lots of fun decorating it last week. The bottom is drooping slightly because I put most of the ornaments down there. Since then, I've had a very good time putting random things I find around the house on or in the tree. A few things I've added: My Mr. Potato Head; a crazy straw; a bunch of tape that I pulled out of a tape dispenser; my mama's hair ties. She laughed when she realized I hung a bunch of her hair ties on the tree, but she must think it was a good idea because each morning she takes one off and pulls her hair back with it and thanks me.

More school time!

This is the back view of my school trial day outfit. I am wearing my monkey backpack from Auntie Stephanie. It has healthy snacks in it. I love this thing!

School time!

Now that I'm 2.5, it is time for me to try this thing called school. Luckily my best friend Leo's school had an opening, and I'm going to start going 3x a week in the new year. It's called Honey Birds, and is a family-run, Waldorf-inspired cooperative. I don't know what that means, but there are no plastic toys and we do yoga and will hopefully bake bread. Our snacks are for sharing and have to be healthy. Mama says it is "Very Brooklyn," but she is really happy about it. All I care about is seeing Leo, Leo, Leo 3x a week! This was my trial-day outfit. I insisted on wearing the hat that daddy bought at a craft fair upstate. Mama said it is "Very Crazy-Lady Crafty" and she seemed less happy about how much I like to wear it.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day 964: Your Moment of Zen

Just a couple of animals, checking each other out.

Days 960-964: Contagion!

I'm not sure if you've heard, but it's flu season, and I think I caught something. Does it look serious?

Just kidding! I ate a blue candy cane! Those things do some crazy stuff to your tongue.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Days 957-959: Santa!

Hey, you guys know about this guy Santa? Weird outfit. Tremendous beard. And he has a remarkable ability to cover a lot of ground in a short time. Last weekend, I saw him twice, in two locations, in a matter of minutes. He must have a motorcycle.

 What do I want for Christmas? How much time you got?

Why is Santa hanging out with a giant strawberry? And why does he look so sad? 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Days 952-956: Yay, Winter!

Winter is so great, at least when it's snowing. We went to the big mountain this weekend, and I did a little sledding while Momma and Daddy were riding those snowboard things.

The only problem is that the next day the snow was all gone and we were back to sloshing around in the mud. Winter is confusing.