My name is Charlie. I just got here. Follow along as I figure out exactly what the f&#k is going on.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Day 552: Mama!
It was really nice to have Mama and Auntie Steph come visit. I see a lot of them down in Florida, but rarely up here in NYC, so it was pretty fun to show off my Brooklyn toys and friends. It was also fun to play lots and lots with Mama's iPad (I even spelled it right, with the little "i"!). We read this cool little book that made noises and did cool things when I touched the little animals. I hope for Xmas she gets me my own baby iPad! Okay, Dad says that is not an acceptable request. Apparently, I have to wait until I'm old enough to serve in the armed forces to own my own iPad. Maybe I can just play with it lots and lots? I'm sorry you couldn't stay to see my sweet turtle costume. I was a big hit around town. I miss you guys.
Days 548-552: Happy Halloween!
Hello, peoples! It's Halloween, and I don't have any adorable photos of me in my costume -- yet! Nor do I have updates of my fun weekend with Mama and Auntie Steph -- yet! I will be back tomorrow with more. In the meantime, here's a picture involving something else awesome and orange -- mac n' cheese!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Days 546-547: Happy hump day
I'm told they call Wednesday "hump day," because it's the hump in the middle of the week that you have to get over in order to start coasting downhill towards the weekend. Frankly, I don't get all the fuss about weekends. Saturday and Sunday don't seem any more special than the other days. But I don't make these things up. So, happy hump day! If you're wondering what I'm so happy about in this photo, the answer is simple: apples. APPLES! I love those things.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Day 545: Oh, Right. We Also Did This!
The carousel. I forgot about the carousel! This is the second straight weekend we went on a carousel ride. This time it was an older one, that went really fast. So fast that it seemed like the horses might fly off. But they didn't. I think I liked last week's carousel better, though.
Day 545: Football!
After the zoo we went to the park and played some football. Here, I'm running the halfback option but no one seems to be option so I decided I'm just going to run with it instead. Football is fun, but I think it would be easier if the ball wasn't as big as my torso. It makes me a little fumble-prone.

Days 541-545: Hey, Ladies!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Day 540: Books
Books. I love books. The way I see it, you can never have too many. One of my favorite things is to curl up with a good book or 7 -- preferably in a warm lap -- but if necessary I'll just pull up a chair and do some reading myself. I'm not 100% sure what the words all say, but I do know some of the pictures, like the thing that goes MOO and also the duck that goes QUACK. Oh, and the airplane! And the train -- CHOO CHOO! Okay, now that I think of it, I guess I know a lot of them. Now I need to get back to my book. This one's in Spanish! I mean, EspaƱol!
Day 540: Not EVERY photo is perfect
If you're a regular reader of this blog you probably think, "Wow, that kid is adorable, and he never takes a bad picture." That's largely true, but every once in awhile -- a long while -- I'm caught looking less than perfect. For instance, here. Or maybe I'm just making a wish.
But I can't leave you on that note...

But I can't leave you on that note...
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Day 539: Barbecues, Yards.
Saturday we went to a barbecue in some place called "the suburbs." It's nice up there, or out there, or wherever we went. Dad's friends Alex and Jenny have a whole house, and also this big yard full of ball balls and kids running around. Here's my friend Willy, who's my age exactly (minus 8 days). He's pretty fun, and nice, as long as you don't hug him. He also doesn't like my hugs so much.
Day 539: Yo! (Gabba Gabba)

I forgot to tell you guys about my weekend. Sometimes things are so busy that I forget! Friday something very exciting happened: We went to see Yo Gabba Gabba live at some big theater full of kids and lights and confetti! It was a little scary at first -- that's kind of sensory overload for a kid who barely watches TV -- but then I got really into it and it was awesome. I had no idea that those robots and cats and little green things were real, but I'm glad they are. I played with this light-up wand thingy and danced in the aisles with lots of big kids. DJ Lance is right -- dancing to music is awesome!
p.s. Sorry my photos aren't as awesome. The light in that place was tricky for cameras.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Day 538: Hugs!
Day 538: Race cars!
Every Saturday morning, at least when we're in town, we go to pick up the bags of vegetables at Habana. The best thing about picking up the vegetables is that it gives me another chance to drive my favorite neighborhood Batman car. The worst thing about picking up the vegetables is the vegetables. Most of those things are kind of gross.
Day 538: Vampire!
It's never too early for a Halloween costume. Here's me impersonating a vampire -- or just eating some delicious french fries at brunch! I would have to say that french fries are one of my top 5 favorite foods, just behind ketchup. The only times french fries are not delicious is when they are really hot. If you ask me, that's kind of a cruel trick that restaurants play on hungry people, to deliver this really tasty plate of food to a hungry person that burns your mouth when you eat it. I would like to start a campaign to serve less hot fries.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Day 531: Elmo!
People keep talking about Halloween. It's some special day where you put on special clothes that make you look like someone else and then people give you candy for it. Pretty nice idea, this Halloween! We went costume shopping the other day and I tried on a few ideas, including this thing that makes me head look like Elmo. I love Elmo! But we didn't choose this one. What did we choose? You'll just have to wait and see!
Days 530-531: Who's Angelic?
I am! That's what Mom says! Why is Dad laughing at that? Just look -- clearly I am just quietly and politely eating my bread without making a mess, or a fuss, even when we have to sit at breakfast a long time waiting for the lady to bring us things. I was so polite and nice and didn't even get a crumb on my face or on the table. I didn't once whine or cry or throw my food on the floor. Seriously -- why is Dad now both laughing and shaking his head? Okay, maybe I fussed, a little... And threw one or two pieces of food... But with this face I can get away with it!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Days 525-529: Big Shoes to Fill
Look, Dad got some new shoes! But the way I see it, we all share things around here, so I think I'll take these out for a spin.
Maybe I'll stick to my shoes for awhile.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Day 524: Dad can be annoying
Day 525: No No No No No!
My mom does this thing where she wags her finger and sings, "No, no, no, no, no!" when I'm doing something naughty. She says it is a line from the song, "Ain't Nobody," by Chaka Khan. Whoever that is. Anyway, to make her laugh, sometimes I do it right back to her. This is me at brunch, saying No, no, no! and wagging my finger. I made lots of older people laugh. I love it when that happens!
Day 524: Weekend with Lots of Lambys
So I have lots of words now. Well, a lot of them are just animal sounds, but the doctor said they count as words, so if he says they are words, then they are words. Some animals I can do are: a cow, an owl, a dog, a cat, a seal (yes, that's right), a bird, a bear, a lion (it is pretty much like a bear) and a fish. This weekend I learned a new one: A SHEEP! We saw lots of them in a field, and I said "Baaa!" to them. I also said "Bye Bye" when they walked away. I showed them my awesome Lamby, but they were not really interested. As you may know, my Lamby is not supposed to leave the house, but lately I've learned that if you cry really hard when they take it away, your parents will just give in! I wonder if this works for everything? So far it's gotten me food, my mom's food, other people's food, binkies, my lamby and even the occasional remote control.
Day 524: Weekend with Lots of Lambys
On Saturday, we went outside of the city to a really cool place called Stone Barns, up in Tarrytown. (That's where Washington Irving, who wrote The Legend of Sleepy Hollow lived. Aren't I smart for an 18 month old?) They had hay rides and music and food and lots of other babies there. I met up with my friend Frankie Friedman in the herb garden, and we gave each other flowers. Later, I hugged her baby brother Finn, who is 7 months old, for a really long time. Mom was not smart enough to take photos of this, but it was incredibly cute, if I do say so myself.
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