My name is Charlie. I just got here. Follow along as I figure out exactly what the f&#k is going on.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Days 171-172: Dining out
Pardon me sir, could I trouble you for some milk?
This was taken in Florida. Mom and I went to visit Mama and Papa again while Dad was in what he keeps saying was "the worst place on earth." I guess most people call this Texas. Anyway, we went out to eat. It was fun. Here I'm like, 'I think I'd like the filet. Can I have that pureed?'
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Day 170: Standing Tall
Hey, who's that tiny bald man in the trousers? Oh, wait - that's me! I'm the tiny bald man in trousers. I'm telling you people - I've been watching your "standing" and "walking" and I'm gonna get it. Soon enough, I won't need this plush, leather platform. Just you wait...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Day 169: Look ma, no hands
Okay, one hand, but mostly it's all feet. I'm drinking with my feet! I am very foot talented. Earlier I finished a Sudoku puzzle using only my foot and a burnt siena crayon. It's much harder to do things like crossword puzzles and bottle holding with your feet when you are wearing shoes, which is why I wish people would stop putting them on me. You never know: I could become a famous barefoot runner.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Days 167-168: Hi from Florida
Look who's in Florida again! No, it's not this little stuffed lamb, though I guess he is in Florida. He's just not in Florida again. He's always here. But me - I'm in Florida again. Mom too. I didn't know we were even coming but here we are! The only thing that's missing is my dad. Where is he? Some place called Texas. I heard some things about that state and I'm pretty sure I don't want to go there. I think I'll just wait and see him in Brooklyn on Thursday.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Days 164-166: Monkey see, monkey do
Here's another of my Halloween costumes. This one's a monkey, in homage to my friends back there on the wall. I quite like this one, and it's very cozy and warm, so I might just wear it around anyway. You can't see the tail, but it has one!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Day 163: Ho ho ho!
Is it too early to be planning for Christmas? What is Christmas? I have no idea, but if it's half as exciting as a brand new red stocking cap, I can't wait!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Day 162: And one more....
And this is me as a '60s mod rocker. Or a Beach Boy. Or a man with a very unconvincing toupee!
By the way, I am 24 weeks today. I'm sure your cards are in the mail. That's sort of 6 months, even though I won't actually, officially be 6 months until November 5. I hope someday to understand this math. Or any math, for that matter.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Day 160: Apples
This place had a LOT of apples. We got a bag to bring home where I hope they don't all end up suffering the fate of some of the less tempting CSA vegetables, which sit around for a long time and then get thrown away. Like kale. That would be sad because apples are more tasty than kale. Like, lots more. I can see why people maybe ate kale when they were lost in the woods and the only option was to yank up plants and hope they weren't poisonous but in a world with some many options of things that don't taste like old weeds, I have to wonder what people are thinking. But we were talking about apples. And we have a lot of them. Start eating, people.
Day 160: Pumpkins
Sometimes my mom calls me a pumpkin. Yesterday, I got to meet some pumpkins and frankly I don't see the resemblance. Is she calling me fat?
Friday, October 15, 2010
Day 157: Happy Friday!

I don't have any particular reason to be excited about Friday. To me, it's just another day — when you don't really have a purpose to your day, other than getting a little fresh air, avoiding prunes, and taking some very short cat naps, there's no reason to be any more excited about today than, say, Wednesday — but I know all you big people with your "jobs" get excited about these Fridays. So, congratulations! You made it. Shall we pop a nice bottle of organic Similac?
Day 157: Sleepyheads
Mom found this picture from our trip to the D.R. She thought it was cute. I'm not so crazy about it because I think that's not my best angle - I look like the Stay Puft marshmallow man! - but I let her convince me to post it anyway.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Days 154-156: Fall is here!
I love fall. I've never heard of it before, of course, but it's great. Pretty leaves, clear, crisp days, and college football. Yay! It's nice being outside in the fall, but I've heard whispers in the playground about something called winter that maybe isn't so nice. I also want to apologize for my lack of photo activity this week. My team of photographers has been very lazy and I will reprimand them today.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Day 153: On Bananas
I'm not sure what to think about this "food" you guys are always yammering on about. Yesterday I ate some bananas and they were okay. But mostly they were messy. Better than that bland old rice cereal, though.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Day 152: Family portrait
Look, it's the whole family, captured on film for the first time. I'm the one without the sunglasses.
Days 149-152: New hat!
Look, another new hat! And a final look back at the beach. We're home now, and that's nice. I missed my bed, which I'm now sleeping in like a regular baby and not a baby burrito. It's a little weird - I keep smacking myself in the head by accident - but now I can sleep on my tummy, which is kinda nice. I also have a new favorite activity: YELLING! Now I mix that in with my baby dinosaur screeches. It's FUN!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Day 148: One of these things is not like the other?
Look, I'm very pasty! Like an Irish person! Why is mom orange-ish red? No, I think it's more of a reddish-orange.
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