Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 141: Home sweet home

I'm home, and a little confused. This morning, it was the Pacific Ocean. This evening, the Atlantic. Weird.
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 140: Bye L.A.

Thanks Aunt Claire for showing me and mom around town, and taking us to the pool, and for letting us stay the night the last night even though you and your cane had to sleep on the couch. I hope your back feels better soon.
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Day 140: Bearskin rugs!

Well, it's my last day (and night) here in L.A. My dad is like some kind of magnet for inclement weather. He drove through a tornado back home and then we get here and it's the heat wave to end all heat waves. Yesterday was the hottest day in the history of Los Angeles. It was 113 when my dad took me to the farmer's market and within a few minutes we looked like we'd both gone for a swim. If only. Today was a little better. I think only 98. So I did a lot of hanging out in the semi-nude. And I got a new giraffe. Apparently all the kids are going nuts for this rubber thing, but I'm not sure yet what that's all about. It kinda looks like a dog toy.
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Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 139: Super baby!

Look, I'm flying! (Sort of.)
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Day 139: Glamour shots

This is me just before dusk at the beach -- the other beach that you have to fly on a giant metal bird to, not the one that's just on the other side of Brooklyn. It's kind of a long commute to this one. You can see why photographers call this time of day the Magic Hour. It makes everybody look good, not that I need any help.
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Day 139: On high chairs

So get this: sometimes at restaurants you don't have to sit on laps. And by you, I mean me. and other tiny humans. They have special chairs that I can sit in and fall over and yet not fall out of. I can even sit upright for a few seconds in these chairs before I topple over like a snowman that was bumped into by a cow. Yipee!
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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 138: I would like to point this out

This is too many clothes for California! Or is it too much clothes? Whichever, it's true!
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Days 137 & 138: Young man, gone west

Look, it's me! In California! I didn't know this country was so big but yesterday my mom carried me on to one of those giant metal birds and we flew around for a really long time - and I made lots of friends! - and then landed in a very sunny place and who was standing there at the metal bird nest but my dad. What's he doing here?!

Catch you later. I'm going surfing.
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Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 136: Me & Gus

This is me and Gus. He's the funny looking baby with the center part. I don't know why he has so much hair. Maybe he needs a shave? We were just chilling on the floor at the cabin last weekend. Do you like my elf pajamas?
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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 135: On football

I've been watching a good bit of football so far with my dad and I have to say I'm pretty excited about the Mountaineers. That Geno Smith is awesome! But sometimes I wonder, how big is that ball they're throwing around? And here's my answer. VERY BIG! It's like half as big as me. Also it takes kind of gross.
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 134: Still cute!

I couldn't exactly end on THAT note, now could I?
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Day 134: Photographic proof that I'm not TOTALLY vain

If I was as self-obsessed as it perhaps seems with this whole blog about myself thing, would I post this photo? I think not. I share it with you to show all you people who get bummed out about bad pictures that even beautiful, angelic babies like this guy sometimes look goofy. And fat. Seriously - nice chins, dude. I look like a drunk, pasty, British soccer hooligan who's about to pass out in his curry.
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Days 132-134: How happy are we?

This happy!

Why? I forget! I think it was the funny hat. And also the mud, not pictured.
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Days 132-134: Sorry to vanish on you

I'm sorry everybody. I know I have let my many fans down by vanishing again for a few days. I was out in the country because my parents wanted to run some silly race and there wasn't a way to post any pictures because this place had no internet. I can't quite understand how that's possible, or how anyone could live without internet, but apparently that's how it used to be, and old people like my parents actually lived through this dark age. I'm glad I missed it! Anyway, the race was funny. It seemed to lack a point, though -- all they got for doing it was very muddy and also this cool hat that I decided to take. I think it fits me better anyway.
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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 131: Tiny bubbles

This is what I'd like like with a giant white afro. Do you like it?
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Day 131: Celebrity Lookalikes

Some people think I look like Charlie Brown, and not just because he stole my name. I don't really have an opinion on that but I've decided to embrace it and my mom found this shirt for me so I put it on.
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Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 130: Couch potato

Attention grandparents, especially you granddad! Do not overreact to this photo. I'm only watching 3 or 4 hours of TV a day these days, so nothing to worry about. Kidding! I'm not even sure if the TV was on when this was taken; I suspect maybe this is photographic trickery. But all that said - I do enjoy that shiny, noisy box with all the shapes and movements! I wish I knew how to operate it!

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 129: New toys!

Got this new toy. I don't entirely know what it is, or what all's going on. It's a lot to digest, frankly. But the basic premise, so far as I can understand it, is that it bounces and rotates and makes noises all as part of some brilliant scheme to keep me entertained so that my mom can relax for a few minutes once or twice a day -- or at least maybe eat some lunch. Ha! Not if I have anything to do with that. Though I do sort of like the blinking lights and noises...
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 128: Splish, splash

The best part of every night is bath time. The water is warm and fun to splash in. I just wish it was longer. As far as I'm concerned you could swap bath time with sleeping - and bathe for hours and just sleep for 15 minutes or so. That seems fine to me.

If you're doing some early Christmas shopping, I think I would like a jet ski.
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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 127: Staring contest

Pardon me, sir, can you please hand me that binky? I'm sort of stuck here.
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Days 126 & 127: A glimpse into the future

Look, I'm standing! I do like to stand - and have some big fat thighs to hold me up - but some day, in the not too terribly distant future, I'll be able to do this without those hands.

You'll also notice that I have not abandoned the Mets, even though they are embarassing. And I got some new jeans.
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Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 125: Baby dogs!

Look, it's a baby that's smaller than me! Also with much more hair. They call this baby a puppy and it's very cute. This one's name is Bode. He's only two weeks and he can't open his eyes. Mostly he just eats and sleeps. Like me, when I was littler but less furry. Except for the sleeping part.
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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 124: Baby yoga

I've been experimenting with the therapeutic benefits of yoga. It helps me relax. Also, I have this overpowering urge to play with my feet. I'm back home now and it's pretty nice out. Maybe that wicked summer is finally over. I wonder what comes after summer? A season where the sidewalks don't smell like pee would be nice.

You know how I celebrated being back in my own bed? By waking up 5 times! I blame the time difference. Oh, wait - there is no time difference?
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 123: My Florida vacation

Well that about wraps up my trip to Florida. I'll miss my grandparents, and the pool, and the manatees, and the dolphins, but I'm excited to get home and see my dad. He misses me, and I don't blame him.
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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 122: Super baby

This is one of my favorite games. If you want to make me giggle, or make dinosaur bird noises, this works every time.
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